McGill-led vaccine tracker provides real-time updates on progress in developing a COVID-19 vaccine.
McGill math modelers crunch government numbers to shine a light on real time transmission rates and provide short-term forecasts.
Social distancing has accelerated the work-from-home movement. More than this, it has restructured the way we work, and the kind of work we do. The effects may persist.
Students without mental health problems more severely affected by COVID-19 stressors than those with pre-existing mental health problems.
Social media linked to behaviours that undermine efforts to curb the pandemic.
Study of public transport agencies across North America shows service cuts disproportionately affect lower-income groups.
A directory of McGill experts and searchable listing of research projects related to the pandemic.
Prof. Brian Ward is also Medical Officer at Medicago, a world leader in plant-based vaccine manufacturing.
Telephone and video evaluations keep seniors safe, and opportunities exist for improved assessment by distance.
Researchers supported by this initiative are pursuing projects that look at the pandemic and its ramifications in a wide variety of ways.
McGill experts play key roles in pan-Canadian task force to gauge COVID-19 immunity.
Sample tissues from patients at participating hospitals will help researchers understand the dynamics of the virus.
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